Welcome to Wreckon Servers - Conquer the Chaos
Wreckon Servers offers an unparalleled Rust experience. Join a thriving community where survival, strategy, and adventure come together. Are you ready to wreck the competition?
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Support UsWreckon Server Rules
Take a few minutes to read and understand the TOS of the game and developer running on our server. These rules apply across all servers running these titles. If someone’s breaking the rules, use the in-game functions to report them, even for conduct-related matters, and open a ticket in our Discord. Also, use the in-game mute function if you're having issues with any player. Players will be moderated for breaking the Game/Developer/Platform TOS.
Players trying to connect with any VAC/Game bans will have their SteamID permanently banned. Sharing verified unique identifiers with an account that has a VAC/Non-Rust Game ban under 3 years old? You’re suspended until that ban hits the 3-year mark. Verified alts of a Rust Game Banned (EAC) player will be banned permanently for evasion. No appeals or exceptions to bans under this policy.
For our North American servers, VPNs are a no-go. We get it, VPNs hide your traffic, but contact us to review any bans related to this. Services like GeForce NOW and Shadow are treated as VPNs. A brief suspension will be placed on any players connecting from a detected VPN to prevent circumvention. Server-issued suspensions for VPN connections last 7 days unless reviewed.
New accounts can connect, but if your profile isn't complete, you'll get kicked automatically. No server-issued bans for new Steam accounts.
Rust is rated Mature by the ESRB. If you're under 18, you need a parent to sign a consent form to play on our server. We’ll only accept in-game global chat, Discord chat within our server, or voice chat witnessed by an admin or mod as proof of a violation. Suspensions under this policy are permanent until we get signed parental consent or ID proving the user is 18+.
No tolerance for cheating/hacks (ESP hacks, Recoil Scripting, etc.). Verified cheating bans are permanent and unappealable. We’ll ban for association at the moderator’s discretion, even if you were unaware you were playing with a cheater. 24-hour suspension if unaware of the cheating teammate. 7-day suspension if possibly aware. Permanent suspension if definitely aware. Second-time association violations = permanent ban with limited appeal options. Third-time association violations = permanent with no appeal.
Offensive materials on in-game items are not allowed. Admins or mods may change or destroy these items without warning. Don’t portray yourself or teammates as using cheats/hacks to avoid hurting the server’s reputation. While we allow most base designs, buildings using game-breaking bugs (e.g., building inside terrain) are not allowed. We may remove bases or items violating this policy. We understand trash talk and competitive banter are part of Rust. Engage in spirited communication, but keep it within the game's context. We reserve the right to moderate behavior or content deemed inappropriate or harmful to our community. Actions considered excessively toxic or disruptive may be subject to moderation. We will cooperate with authorities if necessary and report any illegal activities. Moderation for behavior violations can vary from server mute to temporary suspensions or permanent bans based on severity.
Remember, it's just a game. Enjoy your time, and help others enjoy theirs. A positive attitude helps everyone have a good time.

Server Admin


Discord Admin
Frequently Asked Questions
Our server wipes on the first Thursday of each month at Reset. Fresh starts keep the action intense and the gameplay fair. Get ready for new challenges every month!
Welcome to Wreckon Servers We are a growing community of Rust enthusiasts, from newbies with 100 hours to veterans with 7,000 hours. Everyone is welcome, and we pride ourselves on being friendly to new players.
Joining is easy! Simply search for "Wreckon Servers" in the Rust server list or connect directly using our IP address. Visit our website at www.wreckonservers.com for more details.
We have a few simple rules to ensure everyone has a great time:
1. No Cheating or Scripting
2. No Ban Evasion
3. No Bug Abuse
4. No Harassment or Toxic Behavior
5. Respect All Players
6. No Griefing
7. Have Fun! Check out the full list on our website.
1. No Cheating or Scripting
2. No Ban Evasion
3. No Bug Abuse
4. No Harassment or Toxic Behavior
5. Respect All Players
6. No Griefing
7. Have Fun! Check out the full list on our website.
Our server boasts top-tier specs:
Ryzen 5 7600(OC)
64GB DDR5 @ 5200MHZ
Bullet Proof DDoS Protection! Enjoy smooth and reliable gameplay.
Ryzen 5 7600(OC)
64GB DDR5 @ 5200MHZ
Bullet Proof DDoS Protection! Enjoy smooth and reliable gameplay.
We host regular community events and challenges to keep things exciting. From building contests to PvP tournaments, there's always something happening. Keep an eye on our website and Discord for announcements.
Have questions or need help? Reach out to us via our website or join our Discord. Our friendly admins and moderators, like ShortBusSam and HelmetHarry, are always here to assist.
The wipe occurs on all Monthly servers on the first Thursday of every month. This wipe is forced by Facepunch, which means whenever they push out the update, the wipe must be done. If we did not wipe the map after the update, players would be unable to connect to the server once their game has installed the update. Facepunch controls the timing but tries to aim for a time near 2 PM Eastern time on the first Thursday of each month. In addition to Facepunch, we sometimes have to wait a few minutes after the update is released for Oxide to update. Oxide is the backbone of our administrative tools. A swift update and wipe is key to running a successful server, so we stay posted and update as soon as the server, client, and Oxide updates are released. Additionally, Facepunch always announces if the coming wipe is a Blueprint wipe weeks in advance. There has not been a forced Blueprint wipe we could not avoid since June of 2018, so they are very rare, and we will notify everyone in the Discord announcements channel if we are made aware of a Blueprint wipe.
We hold our administrative team to the highest level of responsibility. All Wreckon Servers servers feature an active non-playing administrative team. We keep extensive logs on all team members, and if you feel there may be any issues, please contact the owner directly via Discord or email at [email protected].
We do not break walls or items for players. We understand that some servers will do this for players, but from our past experiences, we know that it is a system ripe for abuse and it takes up a lot of time due to a high volume of requests.
We will not spawn in or retrieve any items lost for any reason, even if the item was lost due to a bug or server error. We know it can be frustrating to have an issue that causes you to lose an item that is important to you. We made a decision early on in the server's life to not interfere with the flow of gameplay; this means we will not replace items that are lost. If we did it for you, it would be unfair to the many people who were not able to get their items back.
You can apply to volunteer to help our server through our Discord. You should know, and other moderators can vouch for this, that moderating a server is not a very fun job. Your player character will be completely neutered and unable to do really anything besides observe.
To save time and be efficient, Wreckon Servers has a suspension policy that relies on fixed time periods based on the violation. These periods are in line with the times decided on by our community. This means that for most suspensions, such as team limit violations, there is no appeal for your first moderation. If you are banned a second time, you will be banned permanently with an option to appeal directly to the administrators and moderation team. Third suspensions are permanent with no option to appeal. Bans for detected hardware/software cheating are always permanent and cannot be appealed.
We would hate to lose you, but if you wish to cancel recurring payments, you can do so from your PayPal recurring payments page or via the link here. If you have any difficulty, please open a store support ticket in our Discord or send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Cancel Recurring Payment." Please note that all supporter contributions are non-refundable. We greatly appreciate all of your support!
We think players who grief are detrimental to the overall health of the server and the game; however, we will not take any actions on players who engage in these activities. We strongly believe in Rust Karma and think Rust is the type of game where revenge is quite sweeter than anywhere else. Over time, we have discovered that players who develop a reputation for being a problem often find themselves raided continuously and griefed themselves. We know it is frustrating, but keeping calm and not letting the players know you are hurt is key to keeping them from winning. If you quit or give up, they have won. We believe in you!
We take player reports very seriously, and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us and notify us of players. One of our key foundations of the server is to ensure we are moderating players only once we have sufficient proof of violations. If you have reported a player or believe someone is cheating and they have not yet been banned or removed, it does not mean they are not cheating, only that we lack sufficient data to know firmly and 99.99% that they are cheating. Many servers have admins who ban without very much proof, and in the end, from our research, it often harms the server over time as many players do get reported for cheating on a daily basis. Another thing to know is that Facepunch severely limits the amount of data we receive from the client machine. We can only monitor bullet trajectories and physics/angles to look for inconsistencies in data. You may think, "Just spectate them or watch them," but you may not be aware that nearly all modern hacks with ESP/Aimbot actively disable when the client is being spectated. Plus, Facepunch has not given us a true spectate mode where we can see things exactly as the client player sees them; the first-person spectate is limited in its accuracy. It is always best to report a player by using the F7 command in addition to notifying us via our Discord. Facepunch can see much more information than we have available and will often take action quickly for users who are cheating when they are notified. When you notify us, we make sure all moderators are aware and we may take action sooner when the initial flags start to be raised than if we ban a player with no reports. Overall, just be aware that we take every report seriously, and if we do not take action on a player, it does not mean we do not believe you, only that we need sufficient proof to take action. Our server reputation is on the line, and we always want to make sure we make the right move.
Yes, your team can build multiple bases. If you have other bases within 2 squares, you must ensure that the same players are authorized across all bases.
Yes, as long as you or your allies have no bases within 2 squares and you do not use or move that loot between yours or their other base(s).
Yes, gatherings over the team limit are allowed in safe zones (Outpost, Fishing Village, Bandit Camp, etc.). The team limit also does not apply for pre-approved server events which would be advertised via server messages or in our Discord announcements channel.
You should not give away the codes to your base, but you may abandon them. Abandoning the base means you either leave the doors opened/closed and log out, or you remove the locks from the base and clear the TC. Giving codes to other players will likely lead to bans for exceeding the server's team or base authorization limits. We cannot be reasonably expected to know what is going on when we see multiple authorization flags, and we do not give warnings. If someone wishes to offer you a base, make sure they have followed the guidelines to avoid any moderation. Additionally, be aware of our rules regarding sharing loot as any giveaways could be seen as teaming depending on the type of loot given away, particularly if any tier 3 or raid supplies are involved.
You can build event spaces, but in order to host any event where the server's team limit will be exceeded, you must first seek the approval of the server admin. Submit a ticket on Discord and be sure to include information such as the date of the event, time, and duration.
You should not build hotels as there is a great risk of violating our base authorization rules.
We will not moderate for over-auth warnings on visibly decayed/raided bases. We do recommend still clearing authorizations when you find one of these TCs just in case!
You should not bag other players into your base who will not be authorized on the base or the items in it. If you wish to have a player craft an item for you, you should meet them in a safe zone or meet with them somewhere else, just be aware of the team limit.
You can replace team members. Make sure that you remove the old member's body, bag, and clear all previous authorizations on the Tool Cupboard and doors (change code or pick up and replace locks). If you forget to clear authorizations, the server will automatically warn you when you exceed the server limit on an item. It is the responsibility of all players authorized on a base to ensure the base is properly cleared and does not exceed the server's listed limits.
Allies include, but are not limited to, any player(s) who occasionally work together and/or trade and/or farm and/or roam together and/or mutually benefit from one another. Allies can be fluid, so we could consider a short exchange or meeting as a temporary alliance while known interactions over time could be considered a "long-term" alliance. Players you have added to your "green dot" team could be considered allies as well. We do not consider players who have a friendly respect for one another or nonaggression pacts with nearby neighbors, such as randoms that happen to build nearby. The server tracks and logs players who roam together, are teamed together, share bases, etc., to establish a list of known associates for all players.
We do not require that you KOS or raid any players who live near you. You can have a non-aggression pact with members without having an alliance. You should make sure to follow expected gameplay by not having these non-allied members in your in-game team or do any activities that would make you considered allies. You should treat them like all other players, and if an alliance is eventually formed, the standard team/base distance limits will apply. This means you would likely engage in PVP when you cross paths but overall will not seek to raid them. You should also avoid defending your neighbors during their own PVP interactions. There is no penalty for picking up wounded players, but you should take care that there are not more than the server's listed team limit together for any period of time. If picking up a wounded player would mean more than the server's limit are together talking, you should tell the player you picked up to leave immediately to prevent the rules from being broken.
You should not enter the base or compound of an ally.
We recommend keeping at least a 2-square distance from your allies at all times; however, we will still consider it going over the limit if there are more than the server's listed team limit nearby working together (e.g., a full team raiding a base while an ally is in the distance but watching with binoculars) or sending an ally to launch MLRS rockets. You can keep track of your allies by having them on your "green dot" team.
We do allow trading on the server, but trades should be fair and follow normal gameplay by benefiting both players equally. Care should be taken when trading any type of raiding supplies as these interactions are closely monitored and moderated more severely. When trading, we recommend meeting in a safe zone or using shop fronts, particularly to avoid exceeding the server's listed team limits. Under no circumstances should players who are not authorized on your base enter the base for a trade.
You can share a small number of basic resources (wood and stone, metal hatchet/pickaxe) to help someone get a start, but this should only be done once and be a reasonable amount not to exceed what may be needed for a basic 2x2 and a few days' upkeep. Additionally, you can provide some tier 1 blueprints. You cannot have multiple teams farming and piling resources/components, etc., into one or a few bases. Loot should not be combined; otherwise, the team limit could be considered exceeded.
We do allow you to roam/raid with allies, but you must ensure you are never exceeding the server's listed team limit at any time, and your other allies/team members not in your current party must stay away from and not participate/observe or otherwise involve themselves in any activities you are currently engaged in, such as roaming/raiding/completing monuments, etc. We encourage you to roam or complete monuments with allies to build friendships and encourage social interactions. It is strongly recommended that you avoid using the ally guidelines to raid with an ally. In the event that you do, you must only use one team's resources for the raid. Whichever team's resources are being used, only that team may use them; they should not be shared between the allies taking part in the raid. This is all in addition to any rules listed on our main rules page. Whichever team's resources are being used is the team that gets the "main loot" from the base. The "main loot" is defined as any resource items (check the F1 Items menu and look at the resources tab), tier 3 items, and any kind of explosive raiding materials such as gunpowder, satchels, explosives, etc. You can build a raid base, but it must be at least 2 squares from you or your allies' current base. You can both move loot into the raid base, but it must be emptied and the "main loot" moved only by the main raiders team. Also, take time to read our FAQ entry below regarding switching members during a raid/counter.
If you are currently at the server's team limit and wish to swap out a player, you and all players currently or planned to be involved must first leave the area of the raid and abstain from PVP for approximately 30 minutes. This is for your protection, as doing this will create a noticeable event in our logs and we would consider it a "new raid/counter" once your team begins to engage in the previous activity again. If the raid or counter is over, you can immediately swap members as long as you do not go within the area of the previous raid for at least 30 minutes. This cooldown also includes moving loot.
Raiding is defined as an event where players occupy space near another non-allied player's base, regardless of whether those players are online or offline. Raiding can include, but is not limited to, deploying explosives, using melee weapons on buildings, and door camping. Extreme caution should be taken during a raid/raid defense/countering to ensure you are not exceeding the team limit, especially with any allies coming into the area of the raid. The penalties for exceeding the team limit during these activities are more severe. Counter-raiding is defined as any activity that attempts to influence or interfere with an ongoing raid or raid defense by another team.
We define neutrality as players who may choose not to engage with one another but are not in any way benefiting from the other. For example, a player is raiding another, and an additional player comes to counter-raid. The counter-raiding player should engage both parties and should not at any time work directly with either party to help one or the other gain advantage. If it is suspected the players are working together, a ban under our team limit rules may be applied. Additionally, if the player attempts to share loot or trade items with either involved player, it could be viewed as a violation. Trades must happen in a safe zone and should follow expected gameplay. There should be no trades such as an inventory of farm for more jackhammers or trading any item just to make the trade appear fair. We STRONGLY recommend using in-game text chat to seek players to trade with, and trading regularly with the same players repeatedly when there are other players willing and able to trade could be viewed as an alliance. Should you be unsure of neutrality, please reference "Do I need to KOS or Raid my Neighbor?"